Monday 18 June 2012

Project Structure Exercise Three Drawings

      Having started with looking at the anatomy at the begining of this assignment helped me to progress through the work in a more logical way.  My first pose is a standing one and I used tinted charcoal and it took me about 30 mins.  I particularly like the position of the head looking up and I thought that the model was great holding this position for such a long time for such a long time.
I used tinted charcoal for the first time and really liked it.  It isn't unlike pastel pencils but a bit harder and blends well and does't smudge as much as conventional charcoal.
The sitting pose I did in pastel and played around with the flesh tones and tried to use blue, purple, green and ocre as well as a flesh tone to give it more interest.  I need to experiment more with this and be more bold.  I think that the background fights a bit with the model and I will have to remember to distribute the colour into the background so it ties up together more.
My final pose of a reclining figure was an exciting moment as I felt that I had suddenly got it!  The fact that the subject looked as though he was reclining was very satisfying and stupid as it may sound I felt emotional about it, it was like crossing a line that I thought I could never cross.
It was done in charcoal, and pastel .

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