Tuesday 26 June 2012

The Moving Figure

To start with this was another exercise outside my comfort zone and again the more you do the drawings the easier they become and I started just drawing my husband gardening.  The one thing that I noticed was the importance of the head in relation to the action.  Copying while he was moving was tricky I was pleased with the positions and particularly the position of the head, the movement looks believable and natural.
I did some more sketches and the one of the model washing up I think indicates the importance of head position.  Looking slightly to the side as he is putting the washed dishes on the draining board gives a feeling of purpose even looking from the back view and not being able to see fully what he is doing.
The next exercise was sitting and waiting and I have to do some more of these type of sketches and practise more. I sat in a gallery to sit and watch people and sketched as people walked by.  It was a bit intimidating to sketch in a place where superb paintings of masters hung and looking at my efforts truely made me feel I have such a long way to go.
The Fleeting moments exercise is another skill I need to practise to improve my sketching and using line for movement and energy.  I am still trying to draw with accuracy to the detriment of movement and speed this is something I need to adjust to.  I find when I go out I am so aware of people how they are standing, interacting, and moving, it is always interesting to people watch and get ideas of relaxed settings that are not posed.
The following sketch was done when I was sitting outside the National Gallery and just people watching and the young very attractive violinist was playing and nobody was paying any attention to her or her music and I got drawn into this scene and quickly sketched. I then drew a sketch of two children sitting on the grass talking to one another.

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