Tuesday 18 October 2011

Drawing Plants and Flowers

The first exercise in this section was to draw a plant in negative relief and I really enjoyed this exercise, it was almost a eureka moment, so much fell into place about the problems of drawing following this exercise.  I found as I was doing this work when it was going slightly awry it was because I had lost focus on the negative space and reverted back to drawing the positive areas.  I then was able to bring it back by focusing on the negative space and this was simplifying the task.
The following task was to draw and colour a plant in coloured pencil and so far my experiences with coloured pencil have been not very satisfactory.  I chose a plant, an anthurium, and  decided to concentrate on bringing out the tone of the leaves as this is a major part of this plant. I had to plan the colours before I started as once they are put on to paper they are not easily removed.  It was a very time consuming medium and a lot of time is spent building up the strength of the colour.  The negative space in this project is important as there are a lot of interesting shapes between the stems and leaves.  I noticed that the veins of the leaves didn't end at the edge of the leaves but joined together at the outer aspects of the leaf.  The flowers were all different in tone and colour because of the various stages of their growth.  I firstly worked out the verticals and the width of the project and then worked out the proportions.  I then worked leaf by leaf and insuring that the stems followed down to the pot. I also concentrated very much on their shape and the tone to give them a more three dimensional look.
Words echoed in my ear from my tutor 'every line should mean something'.

The next drawing is of the same compostion using mixed media which was fun and more liberating and again I feel I could have gone further with this and just enjoyed making it more messy.

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